Monday, July 2, 2007

Good news!

Big news - the wound vac is gone! Diana had an appointment with her doctor today, and he took one look at her large wound, said "This is looking great - you don't need that thing" and took the wound vac off! We were surprised, but pleased, to say the least; not just because she is now no longer attached to any machines (yay!), but also because it means that she is healing so well and making great progress.

In general, Mom is still doing very well. She tires easily and is frustrated at how weak she feels, but the only treatment for these problems is time, we're told.

Her progress has been so dramatically positive up to now that both Mom and I tend to forget how well her recovery is going. She is usually so tough, and is used to being so productive in the course of a day, that both she and I have to remind ourselves that the difference between her condition 1 month ago and today is vast. I try to encourage her to be proud of and encouraged by what she has accomplished in the past month - its amazing!

So, we are saving the champagne for later, but we are definitely having a celebration (though a quiet one) today. : )