Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Slow and Steady

Diana is progressing slowly, but well. She is still sedated and on a ventilator, but there are some good signs:

1. The infection seems to be abating as the skin around the incision site from her surgery early Tuesday morning is now no longer swollen and discolored, as it once was. When her surgeon looked at the site yesterday afternoon, he said he was very happy about this as it meant that they had gotten all of the infection out in the surgery and it was definitely no longer advancing.

2. Her blood pressure seems to be stabilizing a bit, and this is one of the main goals her team of doctors is working on right now. Blood pressure often gets very low when the body is fighting a large infection, so Diana's doctors have been giving her large amounts of fluids and drugs to increase her blood pressure. Yesterday, they were able to wean the amount of fluids they are giving her, and her pressure remained stable. This morning they were able to wean the amount of "pressers" (blood pressure increasing drugs) and her blood pressure remained stable - this is a good sign.

3. All of her other vital signs remain strong and good, all other functions (kidneys, etc.) are strong and maintaining.

Diana's main surgeon likes to say that she's still on the steep part of the hill she's climbing, but the top is in sight, and he feels confident that she will recover.

Also, even though she is under heavy sedation, she is still able to respond appropriately to painful stimuli, and sometimes responds to the sound of my voice, which is also good, although it means we have to be careful not to give her too much stimulus, because she needs to rest.

I know that Diana has so many friends and loved ones that want to visit her - however, because she is sedated and on a ventilator, and trying so hard to fight that infection, her nurses and doctors are really limiting the folks that can visit (as visitors to the ICU are very limited anyway.) Right now, immediate family are allowed to visit, and friends are allowed very short visits only if her nurse approves, given her condition at that time.

So, the best way to check on her is really to check back to the blog, which we will update as often as we can, and at least once a day.

I know you all extend your love and thoughts to her, and they are so appreciated. And, they are working!

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