Thursday, May 31, 2007


Diana is doing well, although she is still sedated and on the ventilator.
Her doctors tell me that the incision on her side is looking good, healing well and not draining as much - they are considering going to a once every-other-day dressing change, rather than every day, as its doing so well.
Her blood pressure remains stable, which is a very good sign. In addition, there are good breath sounds in both lungs, which is good as it means that there is no pneumonia (which is always a risk when on a ventilator.) Also, there are some good bowel sounds, which means that her repaired ulcer and stomach are healing and progressing very well.

Her respiratory therapist turned her sedation and the ventilator down yesterday, to test how she would respond to breathing on her own, etc. Her response was excellent and immediate - she was breathing really well, she opened her eyes, squeezed my hand, nodded and tried to talk in response to me talking to her. Although I knew there would be no problems with getting her off of the ventilator or with her responses, it was still really comforting to see all of those things, and especially to see her eyes and let her know I was there.

Her doctors are talking about extibating her in the next couple of days, depending on how she tolerates the changing of the dressing on the incision on her side. As that wound heals it should become less and less painful to deal with - however, that surgery was only Tuesday morning, so its only been two days.

She is recieving excellent care and her nurses and doctors are all so kind and caring. I am in her room for many hours each day and call them several times a day as well, and everyone is always very kind, willing to answer all my questions and generous with their time.

Diana is recieving so many phone calls from her friends and colleagues, and we appreciate the outpouring of support and love so very much. I'm sorry that I can't talk to more of you personally or return more messages, but though I have great support, I really have all I can do to be at the hospital and take care of critical things right now. But please don't think that her family and I don't care or that we don't appreciate your concern and offers of help - the situation is overwhelming, but I am also overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and support for Diana and me and our family.
I told her yesterday that she has prayers being said for her in nearly every faith and denomination, and more love and good energy being directed toward her than we can even imagine. Thank you.


Julie Akin said...

Hi Mandi, I am a friend of Paul's mom. I met you and your mom at Teris once. I just wanted to let you know that Jean Robbins and I are both praying for Diana and sending strength and love your way.
We will continue to follow your blog and continue to pray for your mom and you.
Julie Akin

Heath said...

Hey Mandi it's Heath just wanted to say hey and tell Diana to get well soon.
