Thursday, June 14, 2007

End in sight

Diana is having another great day today. I am so impressed, as I keep preparing myself for small set backs the day after great strides - then I come in the next day and there is more improvement, rather than anything to make up for. Mom is just amazing.

Today she went for a walk in the hall with her physical therapist, which was twice as long as her walk yesterday, and did just fine. She also had an honest to goodness shower today, which she said felt wonderful. Mom and I agree that showers are one of the definitive markers of a civilized culture. : )

She is doing so well on all fronts - no anemia, all vital signs normal to excellent, no remaining signs of the infection, her wounds and incisions healing beautifully. Her nurses and doctors are all so surprised and pleased with her progress and general good health. See, we told you - all those vitamins we take Are good for something after all!

Our big news today is that her doctors are sending her home tomorrow! What a surprise, as we had previously been told that she wouldn't be going home earlier than next week. But, she is medically stable and progressing so well that they don't feel she needs to be in the hospital any longer. And, she is going home rather than to a rehab of any kind as the goal of the therapists at the rehab would be to get her as mobile as she is now - as her discharge coordinator said, there is no point moving her to a rehab facility just to move her out the next day.

She will have in-home and eventually out-patient physical and occupational therapy, which will help her build her strength and endurance back up. Her main challenges remain muscle weakness and exhaustion in combination with pain and lack of appetite; however, I'm hopeful that once she is home in a calm and familiar environment, she will be able to get some real rest and feel some contentment that will speed the healing and recovery process. Plus, we both think her desire to eat will return when her food is no longer delivered on a green hospital tray.

I would like to thank and compliment her entire health care team here at St. Vincent's - they have been wonderful, without exception. From her doctors and nurses, to her therapists to her nursing aides and the folks who deliver her meals, every one has been kind and committed to giving her the best care. Most nights I was able to go home and rest because I was confident that she was being so well taken care of; but, every last one of her nurses encouraged me to call and check on her any time I liked, even in the middle of the night (and when I did call in the middle of the night, they were always pleasant, helpful and reassuring.)

Thank you to all of you for giving Mom so much support, positive energy and love. We were saying today that we could run a small florist shop out of her hospital room if we wanted to. And the cards, letters, emails, calls and comments on the blog have been wonderful and so touching and encouraging for Mom.
And thank you for your support of and concern for me as well - how kind everyone has been. Mom and I say to each other every day how fortunate we are in our friends and family.

I will keep making posts to the blog to allow everyone to keep up with her progress. Besides, that will be a good encouragement for her when physical therapy is irksome or boring - I'll just tell her that I need to have something to report for the blog, and that will inspire her!

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