Saturday, June 16, 2007

There's no place like home

Sorry I missed posting yesterday - it was an especially busy day, getting things set up at the house and then transporting Mom home.

Diana did really well yesterday though. She had 2 therapy visits before she left the hospital, so they really kept her busy up until the moment she was discharged.
She also had to endure the dressing change on her large wound yesterday morning - however, this was the least painful its ever been and wasn't nearly as traumatic as it has been before. I saw the wound for the first time and it is quite spectacular in its size and depth - and then her wound care nurse showed me how large it had been before it started healing so well. I have to admit, the whole thing made me a little woozy. However, I'm glad I saw it as it gives me an even deeper appreciation for what Mom has been through. Its frankly amazing that she's healed as well as she has, from a wound that large.

Mom and I were both a little nervous about getting her home and up her first large flight of stairs - however, despite being exhausted, she did just great and walked up her stairs with no problem. She had a restful late afternoon and then had a real sleep last night, for probably the first time in more than a month (including the week before she went into the hospital, when we thought she had the flu.) Her appetite has improved already and she tells me that having "real food" makes all the difference, which I can believe - there is always something a little "off" about hospital food, no matter what they do with it.

Right now, she is just extremely fatigued and needing to rest for most of the day. So, she's still not feeling up to visitors right now. But I'm sure that as she gets more consistent good rest and is able to eat more to keep up her strength, she will feel more perky in no time. She is also looking forward to getting to return to her regular vitamin regime, which should also make her feel more like herself. Those of you who are familiar with Mom's, and my, views about vitamin and mineral support know what an important issue this is! : )

So, she is really enjoying being at home, and I'm so glad to have her here as well. I can't believe how well she's doing, and the way she's maintaining her good spirits. She is a truly amazing woman and I'm so proud that she's my Mom.

I'll keep you posted on how she is doing. Right now, I'm looking forward to stretching my culinary skills to tempt her to eat and working with her on her strength and endurance. And I'm just enjoying having her back where she should be. St. Vincent's, you were very good to us, but I can't say that either of us is going to miss you. : )

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