Monday, June 11, 2007


Diana had a rough night last night, has had significant pain today and nausea, which is a new and particularly unwelcomed symptom. She also had her dressing change on her large wound today, which was quite horrific as usual - we keep hearing that these dressing changes are going to get less painful, but that hasn't seemed to happen yet.

However, despite all these challenges, she is doing very well. She got out of bed, stood and walked several steps to her chair, stayed in her chair for about an hour, had lunch, then got up and walked back to bed, completely unaided. Her fine motor skills are also improving, and she is able to accomplish a lot on her own that she couldn't do even a few days ago. I'm so proud of her.

Eating continues to be a challenge - her lack of appetite, and now the new advent of the nausea, make it very unappealing for her. However, she soldiers through the rotten hospital food, supplemented with any treats I can think of from home.

Pain control and sleep are the other two areas it seems to be difficult to get a handle on. We keep working on it though.

So, Mom is facing a lot of challenges. I strongly feel though that as soon as she can get some relief from the intense pain from her wounds and incisions, she will take off like a shot in terms of her progress - the fact that she is progressing so beautifully despite all of these challenges is very telling. She is one determined lady, as all of you know.

Otherwise, things are going well. Her vital signs continue to be excellent. And she is so impressively strong - much more than I can manage to be most of the time. However, we make a great therapy team and often say that we would be doing just great if the hospital pt and ot staff would just stay out of our way! Joking aside, she is getting good care - but the level of therapeutic care and talent that she knows is possible when compared with the level available here comes up somewhat lacking.

So, she is hanging in there and I'm trying to keep up with her. We often used to say that it was the two of us against the world - we are a good team, and we're going to get through this together.


David Cook said...

I here the food is better at the Carnegie Deli.
Thinking of you.

Linda Sanet said...

Dear Diana:
Sorry to hear that you had a rough night last night, but encouraged that you're getting out of bed.
We're sending some strong healing hugs to help you through this difficult time.
With Love,
Bob and Linda

Dr. James B. Mayer said...

Hi Diana,
I'm praying for pain relief and for your appetite to return.

The pain situation is real to me after my leg was shattered in a moving accident 10 years ago. Restricted to bedrest for 8 weeks after surgery I thought the pain would never go away. It did and I recovered, I know you will too!

My appetite also returned and I have battled that for years!

I am so proud of your daughter and the way in which she is helping you daily and writing the blog - praise God!!

Love in His Name,
Jim Mayer