Thursday, June 7, 2007

Continuing Improvement

Diana is doing well, still making impressive progress, especially when one thinks of where she was even four days ago.

She had PT again today, and accomplished an excellent transfer to a chair, almost completely unassisted. She was very proud of herself, especially as she was very tired at the time.

She has now graduated to taking many of her medications by mouth, which is a great thing both because she has fewer lines running in, and because it means that her stomach is healing very well and her doctors feel that she is improved enough to advance to this level.

She is now on what is called "full liquids" which means that she can have cream soups, custards, etc. She is not yet very hungry, which the doctors tell us is expected and normal, but she is enjoying the taste of the food. And, we are told that the more she eats, the more her appetite will increase, and the more all of her other healing processes will improve as well.

Her pain is now manageable most of the time, and if she could just get a little more sleep, she would probably feel pretty good.

Her pneumonia is gone - or, more correctly, she never had a pneumonia. The chest films showed something that her doctors thought was a pneumonia, but it was actually a part of her larger infection lodged on the chest wall. It was great news when her ICU doc confirmed that her lungs were clear and sounding good.

Also, she has been moved from ICU into a private room - however, because of her infection and extreme exhaustion, her doctors have asked that we continue to limit visitors. I will sure let everyone know when she can have visitors though, because I know she would so enjoy seeing more of the folks she loves.

We are now starting to actively plan her recovery and rehabilitation period. It seems very soon to be talking about this to me, as I constantly worry about leaving her alone in her room even at the hospital - but I know that the shorter her stay in the hospital, the shorter her total recovery time. I'm hoping that as her pain issues continue to resolve she will be able to get some sleep at night and have lots of energy to devote to her PT and OT.
We were wondering today, as we watched a special on "The World's Best Beach Resorts" on the travel channel, why they don't have intensive rehabilitation centers in Aruba?? : )

Diana has improved tremendously in the past week, and every day I see her getting stronger and healthier. She told me today that she should be the poster child for her medical team - I'm sure that they are all proud of what they accomplished with her, and we are so grateful for what they have done and continue to do. She is getting great care, which makes it possible for me to go home at night, feeling that she is in good hands.

I will continue to update the blog each day. Thank you all for your great comments and of course your thoughts, wishes and prayers. Mom and I are both so very grateful for our wonderful friends and family.


julie said...

oh, who the heck cares about Aruba when you can go to "Encino Rehab" right in the heart of the flippin San Fernando Valley. 110 degrees (and miserable) in the summer, Los Angeles, here you come!! Girls my palms are itching and my mind is a whirl. I'll just wait til I'm summoned to Oregon to perform my magic! Keep up the great work Diana... and Mandie... you are amazing with keeping us all up to date while you manage to take great care of your Mom at the same time. By the sound of her progress, it won't be long before I can steal her away and get her into some good trouble. xoxo..Julie

Linda Sanet said...

Way to go Diana!!!! We are continuing to keep you in our thoughts and prayers. Thank you, Mandi for writing every day; we appreciate your efforts to keep those of us who love your Mom up-to-date on her condition.
With love,
Bob and linda Sanet

susan said...

susan says: Jan and I were just talking about you-thinking about you as we looked at the pictures from Jan's birthday !!!Anyway we send you our best healthy thoughts so that you can be back with us soon and do some aerobic red shoe shopping and let your body be sensually massaged at the Hamam in Zurich...we are already waiting for you....susan, jan and Felix

Patti said...

Thanks to dropping a math class, Anya had an opening in her schedule that matched your office hours so we called to make an appointment only to learn that you were in the hospital. Diana we love you--you are our hero-- and are so glad that your are getting stronger each day. Please keep up the good work!

Thank you Mandi. Your blog got us caught up and saved Debbie lots of phone time.

We still need to do our Dr. Larry/ lunch date.

Love and prayers,

Patti and Anya