Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Great Expectations

Diana is having a frankly great day today. It seems odd to say that after her day yesterday, full of pain and nausea and exhaustion, but her determination is at full throttle right now and she's done amazing things.

She's gotten up on her own and walked to the bathroom 4 separate times today, as well as having 45 minutes of PT this afternoon! Her physical therapist was so amazed by her progress that she cried a few happy tears. I have also been amazed, but not so surprised as those who don't know her, as I have a lot of experience with Mom's determination and single mindedness. Besides, we all know that she is a bit of a good witch - I asked her if she was working some white magic spells last night, and she didn't flatly deny it. : )

It has been a good day in many other ways as well - her pain has been much better controlled today, the nausea has not returned and she has had several good naps which give her so much energy and stamina. She has also managed to eat more today than any previous day, despite not having any real appetite yet.

Yesterday we were a little discouraged to hear that the intensive rehab had evaluated her chart and decided that she wasn't yet ready for the intensive therapy schedule they require - today, the head of PT at the hospital told her that she might be too advanced for the intensive rehab unit by the time she is discharged!

Mom and I both realize that there is a long way to go yet. However, she is so firmly and decidedly traveling down that recovery road now, we are both very encouraged. And days like today just make her progress and general good health that much more evident. Thank goodness, because she is in need of some good things to cheer about, as am I as so many of our days here have been really discouraging.

Thank you all again for your continuing support, encouragement, positive energy and love. Mom and I both feel and appreciate it so much.


Unknown said...

Glad to hear you're doing and feeling better today!
Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

Diana - I am bowled over to read what you have been going through! This is Sandra, mother of Sam, your 16 year old guitar player patient. We got a message from Debbie at the office a while ago, but unfortunately my father was very ill and subsequently died and so things were very sad, upset and busy in our lives. If you are interested in my Dad, who was our flower patriarch and guru, please take a look at our company's website, www.peterkortroses.com and click on "Sandra's Blog."
Anyway enough about us... I am glad you are feeling better...I read back over all the blog postings and it sounds like you are doing really well under the circumstances, what a nasty thing to have happened!!!! I am convinced that determination and drive are key to a fantastic recovery and you definitely have them. My sister Pam was kicked in the head by a horse a couple years ago (luckily on the cheek and NOT the temple) and then about a year ago she got a staph infection in her knee. Both were bad, but she really worked on her physical therapy. They told her she would not be able to walk without a limp but she really worked hard and now she absolutely does not have a limp. She does have titanium in her jaw however!!!!
Hang in there Diana, we're rooting for you!!!!!