Saturday, June 2, 2007

Holding her own

Diana is still very ill, but stable and "holding her own." The kind of massive infection that she has is really scary, but her doctors are treating it aggressively and thoroughly, so we feel that she is in very good hands.

Actually, Mom's surgeon's daughter is one of Mom's patients - kind of a neat connection and one that makes me feel sure that he is giving her all of his best efforts and attention.

They extubated Mom today, which is definitely a good thing. However, as she has been on heavy sedation for almost 5 days, and gone under general anesthesia twice in that time (3 times total, over 7 days) she was very confused, disoriented and upset when they woke her up. Her nurses and doctors have asked that she have as much rest as possible right now, and have limited even visits from immediate family to very small periods of time.

In general, she is very fragile right now. I know there are many of you wanting to visit, send things to her room and get her messages. But, because of her still critical condition, we are limiting her visitors - those folks who are helping to spell me in being with her are already in place, though I thank the many of you who have offered this to me. When she is better, and moves to a regular room and out of the ICU, that will mean that she will be able to have more visitors, and we will let you know via the blog. Also, she is not allowed to have deliveries of any kind in the ICU, so that will also unfortunately have to wait until she is in a regular room. As for messages, the best way to get those to her is through me - so please do feel free to post comments on this blog or send a card or letter to her home or to the office. I will check comments often and read them to Mom myself, and will certainly make sure that she sees all of her cards and letters when she's able.

I'm sorry that I'm unable to return phone calls, voicemails and emails right now. I am trying to fill Mom's shoes at the moment, and all of you who know her know what a daunting task that is. So, trying to do that, deal with my own commitments and be there for Mom and our family is more than overwhelming for me - most of the time, I don't feel I'm doing a very good job of any of it, so trying to get to anything else is pretty much impossible. That is why Paul set up this blog for me, so that all of the folks who love and care about Mom throughout the world would be able to keep up on her progress. I thank you in advance for your understanding, as I try to find my way through this terrible time.

Again, thank you to all of the people sending their love and support and prayers. Our family feels very fortunate in the outpouring of good will that we've experienced. My Mom is an extraordinary person, and I feel proud and fortunate to be her daughter - and proud and fortunate that there are so many kind people in her life who recognize how wonderful she is and want to send her their love. She is hanging in there, and I think we all just have to do the same.


Unknown said...

Diana and Mandie: We just heard about Diana!! Our thoughts and prayer's are with you both!!
We can still see Diana comeing into our store"we had Anderson Jewelers" with her bright smile that lite up the room!!

Get Well Very,Very Soon!!

Your friends: Rodger and Brenda Fox

julie said...

Mandie, thank you so much for the updates. Everyday i race to the computer to find out how Diana is doing and it's comforting to know that she's improving everyday. jose' and I are praying for Diana and for you, and the rest of the family. I know she's going to be A Okay! She's one tough gal. Be sure to take care of yourself too.
Lots of love...Julie

Hyzenthlay said...


Thank you so much for the updates! They're the first thing I go to when I sign onto the computer.

You probably know that I was on your side of the equation when my mother was ill. My heart goes out to you, dear!

Tell your Mom that you both are in our prayers, Bill's and mine. I'll tell the folks down at our church to pray for you both, too.

God's Grace is sufficient, if you go to Him!

All our love,

Bill and Patricia Knapp

Unknown said...

Dear Mandie-
I just wanted wanted to let you know that you are on my mind and in my heart everyday. You are doing a wonderful job of keeping everyone informed through the blog. Thank you for giving us such access to your mom's day-to-day condition.
When you can, please tell her I love her and am thinking of her and praying for her.
-Nancy Buset

Unknown said...

Hello, sweetheart--
Do you want me to do another mail run? Did you receive the box Mike sent? If you want, I'll bring the next batch to you and personally put it in your hands. (I'll get to hug you that way.)
Kiss Diana for me. I look forward to being able to do that myself.
I think about the two of you every day, as do Mike and my Dad.
Go ahead and reply here re: the mail thingie. I'll check back.

Faun said...

Your writing skill is fantastic! (I recognize that hospital-brain syndrome from my dad's weeks in the hospital.) I appreciate "Diana's Blog" so much, and look forward to entries each day. Since visitors aren't yet allowed, I left a card on the back steps at the office. Diana's illness is very scary, yet I know her strength & determination fortified by so much love and so many prayers will bring her through it.
Remember to Breathe!
I send you my love & prayers from a whole network of girlfriends!
XO, Faun