Monday, June 4, 2007


Sorry I missed posting yesterday - it was a long day, although a good one, that just didn't allow me time to get to everything I usually manage.

Diana is off the ventilator, off her sedation and awake and alert now. It is so good to see her eyes, and be able to talk to her. Her confusion and disorientation and upset are now almost completely gone - she is always able to answer all of the doctors questions when they come to see her (i.e., "Do you know: where you are, what year it is?" etc.) Actually, when they asked her the date today, she knew and I didn't! Maybe someone should be giving me neuro checks, instead of Mom!

She is progressing quite well. Her doctor told us this morning that the wound on her side is looking very good, and shows visible improvement, even from yesterday. Her stats are extremely good: blood pressure stable and good, without any "presser" drug support or extra fluid support; oxygen level steady and good; no temperature; no further spikes in her white blood cell count. She also has much less swelling in her hands, arms, feet and legs today, which is a good sign that the infection is starting to resolve. The infection is not yet resolved, but these signs of progress are very encouraging, as there was no progress for many days.

Her doctors will change the "wound vac" dressing today, which we are not looking forward to as it will be painful. However, they tell us that, as the wound is progressing so well, the dressing changes will be less and less painful.
Also, they will remove her central line today and replace it with a "PICC" line in her arm - even though this is another "un fun" procedure, it is a good sign of progress because it means that she now needs many fewer lines for the meds going in, and they are no longer concerned that they will need access to give her more meds unexpectedly.

Also, her abdominal incision is looking good, she is having very little pain in her belly. Her doctors tell us that they are very pleased with her progress there. And, her pneumonia seems to be responding to the new antibiotic they are giving her.

She is a lot of pain today, as they are currently trying to titrate her pain medication. As many of you know she is somewhat hard to medicate, so they are searching for the best option. Although it is terribly difficult to see and hear her in pain, I am so encouraged by the excellent comments from the doctors and just to see her eyes and talk to her again. I knew there wasn't anything to worry about, but I must say that I'm so relieved to see that she is completely "in there" once again. Of course, now I sometimes wish that she could be less present at certain points, to control the pain. There's no pleasing me, I guess. : )

I started to read her the many emails that have come to both of us, which she liked a lot. Also, I'm reading her the comments posted on the blog, and the cards and letters which she's enjoying so much. We both thank you all for your loving and kind words, thoughts and prayers. This is a rocky road, but she is navigating it with her usual grace, strength and humor. She is, as she has been my whole life, my role model and who I want to be when I grow up.

Thank you again for all of your support and concern. Everyone, from my employer and co-workers, to our friends and loved ones throughout the world, has been so generous and wonderful. Mom and I and our whole family, appreciate it so very much.


Unknown said...

Dear Mandie and Diana,
Sending you gentle hugs. Holding you both in our hearts. Teri and Pete

selwyn said...

Dear Mandie and Diana
Your last bulletin sounded very encouraging.
We are still praying for Diana's complete and speedy recovery.

Know we care about you and love you lots
Best as always
from Cynthia and Selwyn, Amelia nd Paul and family.

Unknown said...

Please give Diana our love. She is an amazing woman who has helped so many people! I am so thankful for wonderful doctors and nurses to care for her. We are praying for her -
With love- Lisa, Austin and Abbey Ward

ratley said...

dear Diana and Mandie

so glad i can stop holding my breath

we were soo worried

we are only a short plane ride away if needed

don and judy