Wednesday, June 6, 2007

More progress

Diana is doing quite well today, although controlling her pain adequately remains a constant struggle - when her pain is completely controlled she is sleepy, so they are constantly trying to strike a balance between being in too much pain to be motivated, and being awake enough to make therapy and recovery as productive as possible.

She did have another hour of physical therapy this morning, which went very well - three reps of coming to a full standing position, and she was able to take one unassisted step toward her therapist. She is progressing very well with her therapist.

Her doctors decided to do a dressing change on the large incision on her side today, which was extremely painful. However, the good news is that her surgeons tell us they are very pleased with how the wound is healing and feel that the next dressing change will be less painful.

She is now cleared to have clear fluids by mouth, which is a great advance. She has found a new favorite treat: apple juice slushy (made by putting a glass of apple juice in the freezer for half an hour.) Our expectations for happiness and pleasure have certainly had to undergo an adjustment.
We hope that she will be cleared for soft foods later today or tomorrow.

Her doctors are still thinking that she may soon be transferred to a room on a regular floor - she has been certified as medically stable by her ICU team, so we are just waiting for surgery to make sure she has everything in place that she needs for her move.

It has been a good, if exhausting, day once again. Diana's progress continues its upward climb, and she is certainly determined - a strong personality trait that is definitely serving her well right now!

We are now beginning to think of and talk about her long term recovery. Although she is finally making daily progress, and it is big progress given her condition even two days ago, the work ahead will be long and difficult. She told me today that she is empathizing so much right now with her patients who have gone through a difficult recovery process. Also, it is an interesting if very bittersweet experience for her to now have intimate knowledge of what my Dad went through during his long hospitalization and recovery process - we were with him during that period as caregivers and cheerleaders, but she tells me that experiencing it from this side gives her a whole new appreciation of what he went through.

Thank you for all of your great comments - I read them to Mom daily and she loves hearing what you have to say.


Penelope said...

Dear Diana:
I just found out you have been ill. Glad to hear that you are stable, sorry to hear how ill you have been! Sending lots of get well wishes, and hoping that you are back on your feet and have your sparkle back soon.
penelope suter

Unknown said...

Dear Diana,
So happy to hear of your progress. Keeping you and your wonderful daughter in our thoughts and prayers.
Pete and Teri

Bob said...

Dear Diana:
We just learned that you have been seriously ill. We are very concerned, but encouraged by the most recent optimistic update from Mandi.
We wish you continued healing and a full and speedy recovery. We need your intelligence, humor and your warm, giving and loving heart around for a long, long time.
With strong healing hugs and love,
Bob and Linda Sanet

julie said...

dear Mandie, okay, I'm feeling a little possesive right now. I am the therapist, and I should be the one getting to drag that gal outta bed! Well, I'm sure the therapists there are fantastic, so I guess I'll just keep quiet. Great news on all the progress. Give your Mom a Big kiss from me and a big kick in the pants. lots of love...Julie

Dr. James B. Mayer said...

Dear Diana:
Just found out that you are ill and it brings very sad emotions within me. I pray for God's mercy with the pain and trust He will guide you through this difficult time. Praise be to God for your wonderful support team!
Love in His name,
Jim Mayer

Unknown said...

Dear Diana,
We have only met twice, once
this past October at the COVD meeting and then for a lovely conversation in Portland this past winter. I can't tell you how much you impressed me - not just with your life work, but with your warmth, your groundedness, your wisdom, your compassion, your clear vision (no pun intended!). You are a very special person. I will be thinking about you and sending all healthy thoughts your way.
Sue Barry

Linda Sanet said...

Dearest Diana,
i just found out that you have been ill. I am so very sorry to hear that you are in so much pain. Bob and I are keeping yopu in our daily thoughts and prayers. We are encouarged by Mandi's most recent posts. Thank you for sharing this information with us. Many people love you and care for you, and we are strong sending healing thoughts your way. With love,
Linda and Bob Sanet

Linda Sanet said...

Dear Diana,
this is a post from Bev Ehlers of PAVE. She asked me to pass this on to you:
Dear Diana,
Many thoughts and prayers for a full recovery through daily progress even if the "steps" seem small. Small steps will take you down the path to good health once again. Your expertise and generous, caring spirit "light up" the behavioral optometric community. You are blessed with family and friends from near and far who pray for you each day. Take care.
Bev Ehlers."

David Cook said...

Dear Diana,

Just heard of your latest opportunity for growth--must be an easier way. At least you're doing better (somewhat)than Hamlet, Ophelia, Polonius, et al. If you get an email from the Bard, however, don't open it. His quill obviously contained a virus.

I look forward to seeing you as soon as you're feeling better.

David Cook

Anonymous said...

i just typed a long comment and then something happened and it got deleted. well, it was really lyrical, practically an ode to Diana. but now my muse is gone. why? she's flown off to visit you in the hospital, bringing with her my positive and healing energies.
remember, baby steps get to be huge accomplishments ripe for celebration.
Diana, you are a wonder and every day just reinforces that.
Mandie, you are an amazing daughter, so strong and comforting. You are both inspirations to the rest of us. not that you should fee extra pressure to get all better; i'm just saying we're all pulling for you, in our ways.

Susan Q said...

Dear Diana and Mandie,
Every step back from the abyss is a dance, even when you aren't moving your body. The tiniest of steps, the taste of juice, the dawning awareness of something other than pain--all part of the return of joy. Stay strong you courageous, beautiful, giggling girls we love and admire. Thanks to Paul for holding the space for both of you to get through this. My men and I send healing energy and lots of love. Please let me know if there is anything we can do to help.


Unknown said...

Oh, bravo! Excellent, excellent-- I'm so proud! You have an indomitable spirit.
So, we used your birthday present last night. I had a brief moment that was very weird-- there I was, watching Sting (aka His Most Magnificent Hotness), listening to a rad song and having oodles of fun-- and I teared up. Crying at a concert! What a dork! I couldn't help it though. I just so wanted for you to be ok, Diana, and enjoying your birthday gift as intended.
Good news though-- I think they're going to swing back through. Diana, you *will* get your opportunity to fling panties and Mr. Sumner.

Michael said...

Diana & Mandie:
Great hearing your voices and to get that confirmation that you are well on your way to recovering. Not sure what they are doing in therapy but I have *S* a few suggestions. I am not prescribing. :) Just a conversation *S* Basically you have been off your feet for 3 weeks, so you have disuse atrophy. It's a strengthening issue. So rather than just getting up and walking a bit you also need some strength resistence.Pass this by your therapists. Nothing fancy but standing tolerance would be good... stand up and get a step stool. Lift one foot up to the stool then down, repeat 3 or 4 times and then switch legs. This adds weight loading and therefore activates mucle contraction to the weight bearing side. Try this for three or four sets. Also you need to get your grading of flexion and extension back. Sit to Stand... Do it slowly. Sit on your bed or chair and lean forward bringing your weight over your feet. Do it slowly so you activate maximum muscle activity. Then Slowly stand. Do it slow! so you feel the holding power in your legs and your abs. Then sit back down slowly! so you maximize your holding power. This will recruit muscle tone and assist in building endurance muscle strength. Do this 3-5 times. Stop when you feel you have had enough. Increase these gradually until they require no effort. Eventually if you can get to the PT room, it might be good to use a treadmill and exercise bike to build endurance and lower body stength. These are Boh activities.. They work for stroke patients so you should sail through them. And probably that's what your therapists are doing.

Sorry I could not help it!
Love Ya