Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Red Letter Day

Diana is having a great day again today. She is getting more and more mobile, and today walked quite a long way down the hall with her therapist - a Very long way, since it is the first time she's walked more than a few steps in 19 days. She also walked completely unassisted (no walker, etc.) for a couple of steps - that is still too difficult for her to be able to do it for any distance, but she is getting stronger and has more endurance all the time, so she will get to that point soon, I'm sure.
Her physical therapist was very impressed and pleased again - even though this particular therapist is off for the rest of the week, she said she might drop by to check in, as she's so excited to see Mom's continuing progress. : )

They have switched her liquid nutrition to only half days now, so she is completely free of lines during the day, except for her wound vac. The wound vac will have to stay in place for probably another 3 to 4 weeks, but she is healing remarkably well and everyone is pleased, not to say surprised, with her progress in this area as well.
She had one of the horrible dressing changes today - but, other than being very sleepy from the drugs they have to give her to overcome the pain, she is doing great.

Eating is still a challenge, but she is soldering through that as well. When the majority of what is eats is something other than hospital food, it will be a relief and her appetite may magically increase.

Our big news for the day is that we spoke with her discharge coordinator, who told us that her medical team thinks Mom is doing so well they would like to discharge her by Friday! It will probably end up being Monday, as there is a lot of paperwork to set her up with the equipment and home health care she will need, which is fine as it gives me a bit more time to arrange things. Our other news is that everyone, doctors and therapists included, feels that she will be strong enough to go directly home, rather than to a rehab of any kind, or to another "in between" location - her home has a lot of stairs, so we thought she might not be able to handle it, but she is doing so well everyone feels confident that the stairs won't be a problem.

She would like to have visitors, but is worried that she "looks awful." Other than the ever-beautiful "hospital hair" she also has some small wounds on her face, from where the tape was torn off during her 2 extubations. So, we would ask your patience for now in terms of visiting - she is still very tired most of the time from all of her work, and would like to look her best for you all. However, I'm sure she would be grateful for any notes, etc. that you would like to send - she is in room 873 at Providence St. Vincent's Medical Center. I'm sure she will feel like having visitors soon, and we will let you know as soon as she tells me she's up to it.

I literally can't believe how far Mom has come in just a few days. Basically, she made up her mind what was going to happen, and is allowing absolutely nothing to deter her from that goal. I don't know why I'm surprised, because this is certainly her M.O. - when she makes an important decision, things just miraculously happen. I, as a mere mortal, just can't quite understand it all - but I'm grateful, nonetheless. : )

Thank you all once again for your support, prayers, kind words and encouragement. I think you've just reinforced Mom's conviction that she has a lot more work to do, so she'd better get well quick. And, thank goodness, she is!


Sandra said...

Diana - I put my comments on the wrong day!!!! See June 11

Dr. James B. Mayer said...

Hi Diana:

Sounds as if you may just walk right out of that hospital and not come back!!

Way to go!!
Jim Mayer

julie said...

Hey girl, well, I needed a way to participate in your rehab process, so I have have taken it upon myself to eat enough for the both of us. As soon as Mandie tells me your docs want you to start drinking Scotch, I'll take care of that too. I'm more of a margarita girl myself, but I'll do it for the team. What great news Mandie keeps sending us! Keep up the good work. Give those therapists a run for their money, wouldya! Lots of Love....Julie

Faun said...

WooHoo!!! Way to Go! Applause & big hugs for both of you.
You have VERY good magic....
For a hoot, have a look at Chris' grad night party website: (he's on page 8 -DSCF4662- among others).
Love, Faun

Faun said...

WooHoo!!! Hooray! Applause & big hugs for both of you! You have VERY good magic.
For a hoot, go to Chris' grad night party webpage: (he's on pg 8 -DSCF4662- among others).
Can't wait to come visit!
Love, Faun

Unknown said...

Congratulations Diana!

So thrilled at your progress. If you or Mandie need anything on Friday. I can pick up and deliver to you whatever is necessary. Use my cell.

Again, we are very happy for you both.
Sending blessings and recovery your way,

Pete and Teri